Dr. Hendrick is quickly becoming known as the “Goat Doc!” She has clients coming from all over the area for her to help them with their goats, from developing a worming schedule to performing c-sections on Does in trouble. There is never a dull moment at Kurten Vet during Kidding season!
- De-horning- cosmetic, kids, and goats
- Deworm
- Castration
- Lab work
- C-sections
- Suturing of injured goats
- X-rays performed of injured goats
- (Vaccinate with CD -T = clostridium perfringens type C & D and c. tetani)
- Kids from unimmunized dams – vaccinate at 1-3 weeks of age, 3 weeks apart
- Kids from immunized dams – vaccinate at 1-3 weeks of age, repeat twice at 3-4 week intervals
- Adults – vaccinate yearly with CD-T
Special considerations:
- Vaccinate pregnant does in the last month of gestation.
- Vaccinate breeding does for chlamydia and campylobacter before breeding and repeat in mid gestation
- Vaccinate for rabies and leptospirosis in endemic areas.
- Lambs from immunized dams – vaccinate 1 to 2 months for for clostridium species. Repeat at 4 weeks.
- Lambs from non-immunized dams – vaccinate at 1 to 3 weeks, repeat twice at 3-4 week intervals.
- Special considerations: rabies, leptospirosis, campylobacter and chlamydia species in endemic areas.
- Vaccinate campylobacter and chlamydia abortion in mid- gestation.
- Vaccinate clostridium species in last month of gestation.
- Castration
- Deworm
- Fecal floats
- Lab Work
- Dehorn